Maulana Mustapha Raza Khan, commonly known among the Muslims of the Indian sub-continent as "Mufti-e-Azam Hind" was born in Bareilly (India) in 1892. His father, Moulana Ahmed Raza Khan (1856 - 1921) (radi Allahu anhu), and grandfather, Moulana Naqi Ali Khan (d. 1880) (radi Allahu anhu), were recognised as great scholars of Islam in Islamic academic circles all over the world.
Educational Background: He was born into a scholarly atmosphere. His family was reputed for its services in Islamic Traditional Sciences. His father especially, a "Mujaddid" of the 14th century A.H., is profoundly respected in the Muslim world for his struggle in social, political, educational and spiritual fields for the resurgence of "Deen". Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) completed his religious education under the guidance of his learned father as well as other great Ulema.
Academic Status: Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was well versed in more than twenty branches of oriental learning, including Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh, Sarf, Nahv, Tajweed, Balghat, Tassawuf, Mantiq, Seerah, Tareekh, Kalam, Aqa'id, Reyazvi, Touqeet, Jafar and Hayat.
Sufism (Bai'ah): He was a Shaikh of the Qadriya order. His own spiritual guide, Shaik Shah Abul Hussain Noori (1839-1906) (radi Allahu anhu), of Mahrehra Shareef (India) was a great Sufi and spiritual guide. It is estimated that nearly ten million Muslims received spiritual guidance from Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu).
Pilgrimage (Visit to Haramain Sharifain): He visited Haramain three times. During his two pilgrimages in 1905 and 1945, photographs were not introduced for the Haj journey. But on his last visit in 1971, although visa and passport photographs were introduced, he was given special permission to travel to Saudi Arabia without providing his photograph for passport or visa by the governments of India and Saudi Arabia. This event showed the strict adherence of Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) to the Shariah.
A Great Mufti and Faqih: He started issuing Fatawa while he was only a boy of 13 years old. His first Fatawa was on "Raza'ah". At the age of 13 he became a recognised "Mufti" and it is estimated that he issued more than 50 000 Fatawas during his lifetime. All the contemporary Ulema and Fuqaha respected his opinion on current issues and accepted his Fatawa as the most reliable religious verdict in the sub-continent. Collections of his Fatawa have been published in Urdu in two volumes under the title "Fatawa Mustafawiya".
As a Teacher: He started teaching in Jamia Manzare Islam, Bareilly in 1910. He served in this prominent institution for a period of about 27 years. He was a proficient scholar of Hadith and Fiqh. Several famous Islamic teachers of the sub-continent who were his pupils went on later to teach in the prominent Darul Ulooms of India and Pakistan. Some of them are: Moulana Sardar Ahmed Razvi, Moulana Ejaz Wali Khan, Moulana Hashmat Ali Khan and Moulana Mufti Shareef-ul-Haq.
Hundreds of his students are serving all over the sub-continent and other parts of the world as Heads of Religious Institutions and Muslim organisations.
As an Author: In spite of his round the year journeys all over India, and his deep commitment to his Central Darul Ifta, he wrote many books and commentaries on some of the books of Fatawa and Fiqh. It is estimated that he has left about 40 books on a variety of subjects and important issues. He followed the methodology of his great father in his writings. His style was straight and clear. He was very bold and strong while expressing his views and presenting his ideas. His books mainly consists of refutations against the invalid views and heretical ideas of deviant sects and groups of the Ummah. He mainly targeted "Wahabi" institutions in the sub-continent.
As a Religious Leader: He offered a dignified and powerful leadership to Muslims throughout his life. He was a man of principle and high morals. He never agreed to such proposals or plans that might harm the interests of the Muslim Ummah, and he never remained silent on such occasions when the reputation of Islam and Muslims came under threat. He was at the forefront during the movement to restore the Shahid Ganj Mosque at Lahore in 1935 and declared that participation in this movement was Fard for Muslims. Similarly in 1976 when the programme of compulsory sterilization (Vasectomy) was forced upon Muslims along with other Indian communities, by the Central Government of India, Mufti-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was the only Muslim leader to oppose the campaign vigorously and publicly. He issued his Fatawa against the government and arranged its distribution all over India. At that time he took all the possible risks and proved to be a practical leader of Muslims and a true servant of Islam and lover of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
Demise: He passed away on the eve of the 14th of Muharram 1402 A.H. in Bareilly Shareef. It was estimated that over two and a half million Muslims from all over the world attended his funeral prayer. He is buried in Bareilly Shareef beside his father, A'la Hazrat, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu). His Urs Shareef is held every year in Bareilly Shareef and in various other countries around the globe. He left behind six daughters and one son. His son, Hazrat Anwar Raza (radi Allahu anhu), passed away during childhood.
Maulana Mustapha Raza Khan, commonly known among the Muslims of the Indian sub-continent as "Mufti-e-Azam Hind" was born in Bareilly (India) in 1892. His father, Moulana Ahmed Raza Khan (1856 - 1921) (radi Allahu anhu), and grandfather, Moulana Naqi Ali Khan (d. 1880) (radi Allahu anhu), were recognised as great scholars of Islam in Islamic academic circles all over the world.
Educational Background: He was born into a scholarly atmosphere. His family was reputed for its services in Islamic Traditional Sciences. His father especially, a "Mujaddid" of the 14th century A.H., is profoundly respected in the Muslim world for his struggle in social, political, educational and spiritual fields for the resurgence of "Deen". Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) completed his religious education under the guidance of his learned father as well as other great Ulema.
Academic Status: Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was well versed in more than twenty branches of oriental learning, including Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh, Sarf, Nahv, Tajweed, Balghat, Tassawuf, Mantiq, Seerah, Tareekh, Kalam, Aqa'id, Reyazvi, Touqeet, Jafar and Hayat.
Sufism (Bai'ah): He was a Shaikh of the Qadriya order. His own spiritual guide, Shaik Shah Abul Hussain Noori (1839-1906) (radi Allahu anhu), of Mahrehra Shareef (India) was a great Sufi and spiritual guide. It is estimated that nearly ten million Muslims received spiritual guidance from Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu).
Pilgrimage (Visit to Haramain Sharifain): He visited Haramain three times. During his two pilgrimages in 1905 and 1945, photographs were not introduced for the Haj journey. But on his last visit in 1971, although visa and passport photographs were introduced, he was given special permission to travel to Saudi Arabia without providing his photograph for passport or visa by the governments of India and Saudi Arabia. This event showed the strict adherence of Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) to the Shariah.
A Great Mufti and Faqih: He started issuing Fatawa while he was only a boy of 13 years old. His first Fatawa was on "Raza'ah". At the age of 13 he became a recognised "Mufti" and it is estimated that he issued more than 50 000 Fatawas during his lifetime. All the contemporary Ulema and Fuqaha respected his opinion on current issues and accepted his Fatawa as the most reliable religious verdict in the sub-continent. Collections of his Fatawa have been published in Urdu in two volumes under the title "Fatawa Mustafawiya".
As a Teacher: He started teaching in Jamia Manzare Islam, Bareilly in 1910. He served in this prominent institution for a period of about 27 years. He was a proficient scholar of Hadith and Fiqh. Several famous Islamic teachers of the sub-continent who were his pupils went on later to teach in the prominent Darul Ulooms of India and Pakistan. Some of them are: Moulana Sardar Ahmed Razvi, Moulana Ejaz Wali Khan, Moulana Hashmat Ali Khan and Moulana Mufti Shareef-ul-Haq.
Hundreds of his students are serving all over the sub-continent and other parts of the world as Heads of Religious Institutions and Muslim organisations.
As an Author: In spite of his round the year journeys all over India, and his deep commitment to his Central Darul Ifta, he wrote many books and commentaries on some of the books of Fatawa and Fiqh. It is estimated that he has left about 40 books on a variety of subjects and important issues. He followed the methodology of his great father in his writings. His style was straight and clear. He was very bold and strong while expressing his views and presenting his ideas. His books mainly consists of refutations against the invalid views and heretical ideas of deviant sects and groups of the Ummah. He mainly targeted "Wahabi" institutions in the sub-continent.
As a Religious Leader: He offered a dignified and powerful leadership to Muslims throughout his life. He was a man of principle and high morals. He never agreed to such proposals or plans that might harm the interests of the Muslim Ummah, and he never remained silent on such occasions when the reputation of Islam and Muslims came under threat. He was at the forefront during the movement to restore the Shahid Ganj Mosque at Lahore in 1935 and declared that participation in this movement was Fard for Muslims. Similarly in 1976 when the programme of compulsory sterilization (Vasectomy) was forced upon Muslims along with other Indian communities, by the Central Government of India, Mufti-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was the only Muslim leader to oppose the campaign vigorously and publicly. He issued his Fatawa against the government and arranged its distribution all over India. At that time he took all the possible risks and proved to be a practical leader of Muslims and a true servant of Islam and lover of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
Demise: He passed away on the eve of the 14th of Muharram 1402 A.H. in Bareilly Shareef. It was estimated that over two and a half million Muslims from all over the world attended his funeral prayer. He is buried in Bareilly Shareef beside his father, A'la Hazrat, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu). His Urs Shareef is held every year in Bareilly Shareef and in various other countries around the globe. He left behind six daughters and one son. His son, Hazrat Anwar Raza (radi Allahu anhu), passed away during childhood.